Wheel-y Great!: Our First Spin with Mecanum Wheels

First Test Drive with Mecanum Wheels

Mecanum Mastery: The Start of Omnidirectional Movement

Our latest test drive marked a major step forward in our Pi Wars journey—the debut of our robot’s mecanum wheels, driven by our custom mixing code. This first foray into omnidirectional movement was exciting, though it highlighted some areas needing refinement.

Traction and Balance: Challenges Encountered

During the test, we noticed a disparity in traction between two diagonal sets of wheels. It seems that the softer rollers, the frame’s flexibility, or perhaps an uneven chassis could be contributing factors. We’re considering several solutions, from shimming for leveling to possibly adopting a suspension mechanism.

Potential Chassis Issues

Rob raised the possibility of the plywood base having a slight bow, suggesting we cut new chassis pieces from acrylic for better flatness. My observations are that the variation in assembly—whether it be the bearings’ seating depth or the slight discrepancies in 3D printed motor mounts—could be the culprit. Adding shims appears to be a straightforward fix for now.

Observations and Next Steps

The test drive wasn’t all about diagnosing issues, though. The sheer joy of driving the robot in all directions was undeniable. Even with the constructive criticisms noted, the potential of the mecanum wheels was clear. A little chassis flex may even be a boon, offering a form of passive ‘suspension’ that could benefit our robot’s agility.

Looking Ahead

While it’s still uncertain which challenges we’ll tackle with this wheel configuration, its promise for easing the programming of autonomous maneuvers is undeniable. This test was just the beginning, and we’re eager to iterate and improve.

In our next steps, we’ll focus on fine-tuning the balance and ensuring a level drive platform. We’ll also capture a video to showcase the robot’s newfound capabilities, so stay tuned for more updates from the field.


Every test drive is a learning opportunity, and this one has been no exception. As we tinker and tweak, we’re reminded that the path to robotics mastery is paved with trials, errors, and improvements. Onward to a more refined and capable robotic future!